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Das (ist) ein...

The limits of my language stand for the limits of my world.


YELP’s Das (ist) ein…is inspired by the book Tractatus Logicophilosophicus by Austrian philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein and is part of the S series , a trilogy investigating connections between philosophy and the body.

Two simultaneous solos on each side of a wall ask questions about about being and becoming and how the self tests different languages of expression. Does thought affect the body, even the still body? The body arrives at a landscape where the desire of articulating thought resembles a silent cry, like a figure out of Francis Bacon. Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent.


The audience seated on each side of the wall. It is possible to see only one of the performers, but one can hear the voice, breath, body sounds, or glimpse at the moving shadow of the other performer. This condition enhances the anticipation and excites the imagination for what is on the other side. Finally the wall falls and spectators experience shortly a unified space as they are now able to see both performers and other spectators mirroring them on the other side. 


Funded by the Greek ministry of culture, premiered at Kinitiras residency centre, presented and co-produced by Athens Festival 2009, selected by ITI (international theatre institute) to participate at the Athens System platform, performed at the Pulse festival, Ipswich,UK, and selected as one of the 10 works for the biennial Greek Dance Platform 2010.

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Choreography: Mariela Nestora

Music: ILIOS, Francois Couperin

Costumes: Adonis Volanakis

Set design: Adonis Daglidis

Lighting: Sakis Birbilis

Video design: Louizos Aslanidis

Photographs: Michalis Kloukinas, Adonis Katrakazis

Performers: Ioanna Toumbakari, Nikoletta Karmiri, Kosmas Kosmopoulos,

Iris Karayan, Rania Glimitsa, Paris Erotokritou, Christos Papadopoulos, Nikos Kamondos, Nikos Spanatis



DOP: Petros Nousias

Camera: Alexis Iosifidis

Editing: Louizos Aslanidis

Video Prduction: EKSO productions



Composition: Francois Couperin, Lecons de tenebres,1

Cemballo: Markellos Chrysikopoulos

Counter tenor: Nikos Spanatis

Recording: Nikos Dionisopoulos

Editing/Mastering: Dimitris Karakantas


Texts: George K. Psaltis

Voice: Marilena Rassidaki

Texts were based on “Confessiones” by Aurelius Augustinus  Hipponensis (397-8) according to translation by Edward Buverie Pusey ( The Confessions of Saint Augustine, 1909, London- Chatto & Windus) and translation by Albert C. Outler (Confessions and Enchiridion,1955,Philadelphia:Westminster Press)- “Appointment” (1999) and “Take care of yourself” (2007) by Sophie Calle.

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