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Inter-esse, to create ‘interest’, in the sense emphasized by Isabelle Stengers, by situating in-between – inter-esse.

Not to divide but to relate. Practicing thinking and dancing in the presence of plants and because of their presence, with the intention of becoming motivated by the potential relationships rather than by affirming differences or otherness.


Choreographer Mariela Nestora in collaboration with dance artists Vitoria Kotsalou and Yiannis Tsigkris started a very slow process in February 2022 for the creation of duet Inter-esse. The ‘rehearsals’ spread out in time and involved activating 12 scores- the fieldwork scores which focus on the relationship with the plant world. The scores were composed by bringing into dialogue permaculture design principles for natural systems and the different systems of the human body, as well as being informed by the works of Maria Puig de la Bellacasa and Emanuele Coccia. The 12 fieldwork scores serve as invitations to spend time with plants, one’s body, questions that don't need answers, many or few movements, a visible or invisible dance, a choreography one finds themselves in or one that the participant co-authors with other organisms from the kingdom Plantae. What can humans learn from the world of plants?


The first sharing of this work was presented at the EDN Atelier Moving ground (scores 1-7) June 2022, and the complete work (scores 1-12) were performed in September in the- still in development yet already blossoming- communal garden of the Duncan Dance research Center in Athens.


The fieldwork scores are still activated by more people in different parts of this planet, as an open ended project.
In case you want to participate by activating a score, please send an email to


part of MOVING GROUND project by the Duncan Dance Research Center Athens,

funded by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports 2021-22

presented at the communal garden of Duncan Dance Research Center


choreogardener: Nestora Mariela

performers: Yiannis Tsigkris Vitoria Kotsalou

artwork: Pavlos Tsakonas

photo/video: Myrto Apostolidou

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