Mariela Nestora
no matter how quiet
YELP danceco.’s new production no matter how quiet brings into view the creative process itself, as well as the artists’ work towards a performance. Our point of departure for no matter how quiet was Yvonne Rainer's dance performance and Robert Morris' art installation of the same title- “Continuous Project Altered Daily”. Both pioneering works, in dance and sculpture respectively, were presented in March 1969 in New York City and both brought to the forefront the process of an artistic work, rather than the product. In no matter how quiet, four dancers (Konstantina Barkouli, Yannis Tsigris, Ioanna Apostolou, Angeliki Stellatou), a visual artist (Filippos Vasileiou), a percussionist (Iakovos Pavlopoulos) and a choreographer (Mariela Nestora) work, explore, discuss and raise multiple questions on artist’s work, collaboration and the relationship of contemporary life with art, dance and the body. What kind of thoughts are voiced from the dancers' voices that we don't often hear, What happens in the rehearsal process which usually precedes the performance and what is the need to make a clear distinction between these two?
What if, starting today, we stand up, dust ourselves off and dance. with the thought that our bodies communicate, that our bodies think.
And believe more in the relation between life and art.
And speak out loud, no matter how quiet.

Concept/Choreography Mariela Nestora
Performance/Co-creation Angeliki Stellatou, Ioanna Apostolou, Yannis Tsigris,
Konstantina Barkouli
Visual artist Filippos Vassileiou
Music Iakovos Pavlopoulos (live percussion), ILIOS
Lighting design Maria Athanasopoulou
Costumes Eleftheria Arapoglou-DIGITARIA
Dramaturgy collaboration Mårten Spångberg
Artistic advisors Danae Theodoridou, Myrto Katsiki
Photos Myrto Apostolidou
Poster design Maria Elena Myrka
Press Evangelia Skrobola
Production Olga Tsatsouli
Produced by YELP danceco. with the financial support of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture.
In the first part of the performance the recorded music consists of excerpts from F.Bretschneider, C.Orff and in the second part the recorded music is the original composition by ILIOS for NMHQ. We would like to thank all the people who supported the creation of NMHQ and especially Myrto Apostolidou, Christiana Mugdali, Iris Nikolau, Rosa Prodromou and ΜΕΜ.